translation algorithm

英 [trænzˈleɪʃn ˈælɡərɪðəm] 美 [trænzˈleɪʃn ˈælɡərɪðəm]

网络  翻译算法; 转换算法



  1. Translation algorithm from programmable logical controller ladder diagram to instruction lists
  2. Recently, BCI developed rapidly, and its researches mostly concentrated on feature extraction and translation algorithm.
  3. A new Chinese translation algorithm of English verbs based on semantic pattern base, fixed pattern base and variable base iss presented.
  4. This is the opposite of the infix to postfix translation algorithm, where operators were stored on the stack.
  5. The periodic translation wavelet shrinkage de-noising algorithm is put forward according to the discontinuous change of course measurement data.
  6. An uniform format of matrix translation algorithm was given to analyze the lifting mechanism of dump truck, and the transformation matrix based on this uniform format was proved and derived.
  7. To improve the performance of the system, the visual stimulation parameters and translation algorithm are studied.
  8. A Translation Algorithm of Query Keyword in Cross Language Information Retrieval
  9. In translation algorithm aspect, slide-window least square lattice combined with adaptive notch filter is used to realize spectral line enhancement, which provides notable improvement in signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR) and high convergence speed.
  10. Translation Invariance of Synergetic Algorithm for Pattern Recognition
  11. Based upon the Principles, the authors put forward a general algorithm of the numeral translation. The algorithm is independent of each language in the architecture and flexible to be realized.
  12. Finally, the correspondences are serialized by correspondence-priority graph based DTOC ( Data Translation of Correspondence) algorithm. This solves the problem of how to determine the operation sequences during data translation.
  13. Machine Translation Based on Universal Algorithm of Indexed Templates Matching and Replacing
  14. Experimental results show that this format is efficient in test vector translation and algorithm reduces the test data storage.
  15. Designing and Developing of an Auto Translation Algorithm
  16. Research On An Uniform Format of Matrix Translation Algorithm for Lifting Mechanism of Dump Truck
  17. This paper proposes a Normalized Translation Algorithm for translating XML to relational schema based on XML key, which tackles the redundancy and un-standard expression in the translation.
  18. Compared with the traditional de-nosing methods by threshold value and translation invariance, the algorithm increases the signal to noise ratio.
  19. In order to realize such a watermarking, three jobs were finished in this paper: 1. A rotation, scaling, translation resilient watermarking algorithm was designed.
  20. Researching and Implementation of the English to Uyghur Personal Name Machine Translation Algorithm
  21. A New Translation Algorithm Based on Constraints-Preserved Mapping from Relational Schema to XML Schema
  22. The Semantic Structure of the Numeral with a General Translation Algorithm
  23. A Translation Algorithm between Code and Index of Synchronized Variable Length Codes
  24. The former is to detect the trend and direction of the 3d terrain by the means of directional wavelet transformation, then hides them as authentication watermark, and inserts the data by modifying the translation algorithm of generalized histogram.
  25. Complier time translation algorithm is adopted for instruction and data region, this algorithm only access the address translation table in the translation state to eliminate the complex address translation in the execution state.
  26. Subsequently, the interpretation and translation of algorithm is achieved by simulating execute process of algorithm.
  27. Traditional phase correlation algorithm can only process the parameter of translation. Fourier-Mellin algorithm, which based on phase correlation, can detection translation, rotating and scale parameters.
  28. Based on which, two fast tracking methods have been developed, namely Fast Translation Algorithm and Centroid Iteration Algorithm.
  29. The part of translation consists of feature extraction and translation algorithm, that is, the classifier.
  30. In this paper, three definitions of all-time apparent resistivity are introduced as the magnetic field strength method, electromotive force method and translation algorithm method.